Sunday, 2025-02-02, 00:37

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The Living Hell

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General Rules

The following rules apply to all players during gameplay

1. Respect Towards Others - Both GM's and players should be respect each other as individuals.
2. Paging - When paging for a GM please state your problem clearly and use the correct paging method on the help page. Pages not concerning problems will remain unanswered and will be deleted.
3. House Placement - Houses must be placed 2 space from another player's house or static building. Houses can not be placed in front of an entrance/exit and on pathways.

4. House looting - If you use a bug/exploit to enter someone's house and take their items, your account and ip will be blocked.
5. Flaming - Insulting players over the chat system could result in jail time. You will be muted from the chat system if you break this rule.
6. Bug Abusing - Consequence varies on severity of the bug/exploit. On the other hand, if you do not abuse the bug yet report it, we will not jail you but have the problem resolved.

7. No advertising other shards.
8. No trapping monsters. Trapping monsters is done using items that are placed all around the monster. This disables the monster from moving completely.

If you are not familiar with trapping monsters, here is an example:

Anyone caught trapping monsters will be jailed.


Events/Quest Rules

The following rules apply to all players during the time of a GM ran Event/Quest

1. No Player Killing - This is stricly forbidden during a GM ran event/quest, unless stated otherwise by a GM. If you do break this rule you will be jailed for the remainder of the event/quest. All items stolen will be returned to their proper owner.
2. Any item given to use during an event must be returned to the GM once the event has finished.
3. All participants in the event must listen to the rules the GM states for the event.
4. No looting, this applies to all events unless stated otherwise by a GM.

Forum Rules

The following rules apply to all users of the forums

1. Any profanity, sexual comments, racist remarks, or any other discriminatory behavior will lead to having your username banned.
2. Any illegal content will be removed.



GM Rules

1. All GMs must abide by the player rules.
2. No Giving/Selling any item to players.
3. No Tweaking a player in any way.
4. No Abusing Powers to do anyone a favor.
5. No Giving Out Items, only an Owner can do this.

*Failure to know or remember a rule is not an exception, you will be jailed according to your actions.

As a Player/GM on The Living Hell, you are required to listen and abide by the rules stated within.






Total online: 1
Guests: 1
Users: 0

Copyright The Living Hell © 2025