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Item Qualities

For every weapon and armor crafted a certain quality is assigned to the item. The greater the quality the higher damage or armor the item will have. Higher quality items make the best equipment.
Item quality is determined by the amount of Arms Lore and Legendary Hammer Bonus the crafter has at the time the item is crafted. The higher these values, the greater chance of crafting an item with a higher quality. However there are enchants that you can use to make your armor indestructable or even make your weapon hitting harder.


List of Enchants

Weapon Enchants

Ruin Adds +1 Magic Damage to a Weapon
Might Adds +2 Magic Damage to a Weapon
Force Adds +3 Magic Damage to a Weapon
Power Adds +4 Magic Damage to a Weapon
Vanquishing Adds +5 Magic Damage to a Weapon

Armor Enchants

Defense Adds +1 Magic Defense to an Armor
Guarding Adds +2 Magic Defense to an Armor
Hardening Adds +3 Magic Defense to an Armor
Fortification Adds +4 Magic Defense to an Armor
Invulnerability Adds +5 Magic Defense to an Armor


List of Item Qualities

Quality Effect
Legendary Adds +25% Damage to a Weapon and +10% Armor to Armor and Clothing
Grand Adds +20% Damage to a Weapon and +7% Armor to Armor and Clothing
Superior Adds +15% Damage to a Weapon and +5% Armor to Armor and Clothing
Exceptional Adds +10% Damage to a Weapon and +3% Armor to Armor and Clothing
Defective This Item Can Not Be Equipped


Magic Item Bonuses

Any item a player can wear can aquire a magical bonus. These bonuses are added to the item with rare reagents at the time the item is crafted. Each bonus has a specific magical bonus, listed below is a list of these bonuses and their effects.


List of Magic Bonuses

Bonus Effect
Skill Bonuses Adds +x% Skill
Spell Bonuses Adds +x% Effect to Spell
Armor Bonus Adds +x Armor
Strength Bonus Adds +x Strength
Intelligence Bonus Adds +x Intelligence
Dexterity Bonus Adds +x Dexterity
Magery Effect Bonus Adds +x% to Magery Effect
Melee Damage Bonus Adds +x% to Melee Damage
Swing Speed Bonus Decreases x% of Your Swing Speed
Experience Bonus Adds +x% Experience Gained
Gold Bonus Adds +x% Gold Found
Lower Reagent Cost Bonus Increases Chance by +x% To Cast Without Reagents
Lower Mana Cost Bonus Increases Chance by +x% To Cast Without Mana
Luck Bonus Adds +x Luck
Holy Effect Bonus Adds +x% Magery Effect To Bless-Type Spells
Corrupt Bonus Effect Adds +x% Magery Effect To Curse-Type Spells
Stealth Step Bonus Adds +x Extra Steps While Moving In Stealth Mode
Peacemaking Effect Bonus Adds +x Extra Seconds When Creature Is Enticed
Legendary Hammer Bonus Adds +x% To Craft A Legendary Quality Item
Leech Life Bonus Adds +x% Of Your Damage To Your Hitpoints Every Hit
Leech Mana Bonus Adds +x% Of Your Damage To Your Mana Every Hit
Leech Stamina Bonus Adds +x% Of Your Damage To Your Stamina Every Hit
Hand of God Bonus Adds +x% Chance To Become Invulnerable For 15 Seconds When Hit
Hand of Mana Adds +x% Chance To Cast Without Requiring Mana For 5 Minutes Upon Every Cast
Conviction Bonus Adds +x% To Avoid Gaining A Kill Count
Monster Slayer Bonus Adds +x% Extra Damage Against All Monsters
Monster Blitz Decreases x% Swing Speed Against All Monsters


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